Our other services
Has been in existence for the last 9 years with its Head Office at Chennai and associates at Bangalore Mumbai & Coimbatore in India & Singapore & Dubai overseas.
We focus on 3 Core Competencies:
People. Performance. Profit,
In functional areas of:
Sales & Marketing, HR& Organizational Development,
- Hiring & Recruitment
- Training & Development
- Management Consultancy
Each division specializes in a unique area of expertise:
Thereby helping people GROW,
And enabling their businesses SOAR!
The Group comprises of:

The division COLLECTION SKILLS as our name says: ‘Specializes in Professional Training Skills for Prevention & Collection of Bad Debt’ and is the only ones in this part of the world to be featured in the ‘Collections & Credit Risk Magazine-USA’ under ‘Who’s Who in Training’, together with being ranked as No:1 on all of the top search engines! Other Programs include: ‘Professional Debt Collection Techniques’ for any industry (tailor-made) & ‘Professional Debt Collection Techniques’ exclusively for Call Centers
See: www.CollectionSkills.com for more details

Specialists in Sales Training!
- Professional Sales Training (Selling Skills)-Field Telephone (Basic Skills & Advanced)
- Selling Skills for specialized sectors like:
- Media Sales
- Retail Sales
- Insurance
- FMCG’s
- Telecom
- Pharma
- Realty
- Wealth & Finance Advisors
- Spa & Beauty etc,
- Coaching Skills for Sales Managers
- Managerial Skills for Frontline Sales Managers
- Negotiation Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Customer Service
- Complaints Handling
- Front Office/ Reception Skills
- Tele-Answering Skills
- Call Center Training
- Growth Strategies & Selling in a Recession!
See: www.Sales-Training.in
for more details

Covering programs on Self & Personal Development Skills
- ‘Train the Trainer’ Program
- Time Management
- Goal Setting
- Team Work & Team Building
- Problem-Solving & Decision Making Skills
- Motivation
- Leadership
- Winning in Life / Failing Gracefully
- Business Etiquette/Professional Manners

The School for Front Office/ Reception Skills…’because U R the First Contact’
…including ‘Help Desk Skills’ & ‘Empowering Secretaries’!
See:www.FirstContactAcademy.com for more details

For a Polished Professional Image! Programs for Adults & Teens/ College Grads ‘…Because people make 90% of their lasting impression in the first 90 seconds’!
- Business & Social Etiquette Skills for Adults
- Business Dining Skills for Adults
- Etiquette & Personal Grooming for Teens/College Grads
- Dining Skills for Teens/College Grads
See: www.EtiquetteWorks.in for more details

Business Manuals for Busy Managers!
All Manuals are Custom designed for:
- Internal use:
- Personnel & HR, Induction, Job Description, Training, Sales Policy, Customer Service, Credit Control Policy, Quality Manuals etc…to name a few!
- External for your Customers / Users:
- User friendly- Guides, Instruction & Maintenance Procedure Manuals
- All Manuals are Custom Designed:
- Manuals are tailor-made exclusively to suit each organizations specific need & are available in Hard copy or Soft Copy
See: www.ManualPreparation.com for more details

Liven your Training...with the Power of Puppets! Add ‘life’ to your company meeting, sales event, Training session, trade show, business conference or other presentation.
See:www.TrainingWithPuppets.com for more details

Recruitment of Exceptional Sales & Marketing Personnel.
By Sales Professionals-For Sales Professionals!
See: www.SalesAndMarketingRecruiter.com for more details

Consultancy in Personnel & HRD Systems, Corporate Strategy & Organizational Development
Specialists in Customized Retail Sales Training Programs for various product ranges such as: Automotive (Cars Sales Training), Spa & Beauty Salons, Jewelry, Luxury Watches, Apparel, Electronic Appliances, Home Appliances, Arts & Crafts, Bridal Wear, Home Furnishings, Mega Marts/ Stores etc
See: www.RetailSalesTraining.in for more details
A few sample testimonials from some of these clients can be seen on our websites:
Solutions to help people Grow & businesses Soar! Today. Tomorrow. Together Not just BEST practices…but the NEXT practices!
click here to DOWNLOAD our Brochure